Cyber Security Tools and Their Uses

Their various tools that are being used in the field of cybersecurity. Cybersecurity tools help us to monitor and fix potential security risk concerns, they are tools that aid companies and individuals in maintaining their online privacy and security. Either automated or not they help in the continuous monitoring of computer networks and warn the user of potential risks the moment it is being detected.

A number of them are popular because of their work efficiency and the variety of tasks a single tool can perform. Various tools are tailored to counter specific threats. Some of the popular tools are:

  1. Network Security Monitoring Tools

  2. Encryption tools

  3. Web Vulnerability Scanning tools

  4. Network Defence wireless-tools

  5. Firewalls

  6. Penetration Testing

  7. Antivirus software

  8. Packet Sniffers

  9. Public Key infrastructure, etc.

Numerous tools are used in each of these areas or threats;

  1. Nmap

    It is a tool that is used to perform information gathering (reconnaissance). It is a free and open-source cyber security tool that scans IT systems and networks to identify security vulnerabilities. It also enables monitoring of host uptime, maps out possible areas of attacks on the network and service and takes possible actions.

    It is compatible with all popular OS and irrespective of the size it enables scanning of vulnerabilities on the web. It also provides a detailed overview of activities on a single dashboard. Finally, it is also available in both CLI and GUI.

  2. WireShark

    This is an open-source tool used to analyze network protocols and assess network security weaknesses by continuous capturing and analyzing.

    It is compatible across different OS, data are captured in real-time, multiple networks and various output formats are supported.

  3. MetaSploit

    Metasploit is a powerful and famous open-source penetration tester or hacker (in all forms) used for exploiting, listening, executing shell code, etc. It is compatible with a range of different systems, it also offers the capability to uncover the slightest weakness or emerging weakness.

  4. BurpSuite

    Burpsuite is a combined platform of various tools used in the Cyber Security (Pentesting) field. Developed by the company “Portswigger”, it has tools like Spider, Proxy, Intruder, Repeater, Extender, etc.

  5. John The Ripper

    This is a tool used for testing password strength, it accesses and identifies weak passwords, and it works with a variety of OS. It identifies complex ciphers, encrypted logins and hash-type passwords.

  6. Tcpdump

    Tcpdump is primarily used for packet sniffing in a network. It monitors and logs IP traffic and TCP communicated through a network, and tests and monitors the security of a network by capturing and filtering TCP/IP data traffic received over a network on a particular interface.

  7. Aircrack-ng

    Aircrack-ng is a free and open-source tool used to access the weakness of Wi-Fi network security and is a must-have for wireless tools. It monitors, analyzes and exports packets of data, cracking complex Wi-Fi passwords and spoofing access points.

    It includes various suites of other programs like Airodump-ng, etc. It is compatible with most wireless network interface controllers. Primarily it works on Linux-based systems

  8. Cain and Abel

    This tool is one of the oldest and surprisingly, people still use it today. It helps to identify weaknesses in Windows as well as password recovery.

    It can maintain VoIP communications, it can disclose password boxes and cache passwords, help in decoding passwords, and use forced attacks that help in cracking encrypted passwords.

  9. Nikto

    Nikto, is an open-source tool and it is one of the best choices for conducting web vulnerabilities, it scans and fixes them. It is also known as Nikto2.

    It has a database of 6400 different types of threats to compare with the results of a web vulnerability scan. Numerous plugins are released continuously to ensure the tool is compatible across different types of systems.

  10. Snort

    Snort is an open-source IPS/IDS tool. This tool uses a set of rules that will help to identify malicious activity and generate security alerts for the users. Snort can also be deployed in the first layer of the network to block malicious sources. Snort can be functioned and deployed for both personal and official purposes. Sniffer can be configured in three modes “Sniffer mode, Packet logger mode, and Network Intrusion Detection System mode”. This tool was developed by Cisco Systems.

All of these tools and many more are used in the field of cybersecurity, but all of these can be found in just one tool or OS (according to your understanding), this is KALI LINUX.